
Radiant servant of pelor build
Radiant servant of pelor build

radiant servant of pelor build radiant servant of pelor build

They also undertake healing whenever they can-whether that healing is physical or spiritual. Quests: More so than adherents of any other faith, the followers of Pelor often find themselves striving against the undead. While not unduly harsh, training among the followers of Pelor is rigorous enough to send many well-meaning youths back to their farms and cobbler-shops. Cleric Training: Because Pelor's clerics spend a lot of time tending to the sick, blessing crops, and providing for the basic spiritual needs of their communities, they attract a number of earnest, forthright youths who want to make the world a better place. Rangers and bards are found among his worshipers. He is the most commonly worshiped deity among ordinary humans, and his priests are well received wherever they go. Greater God Neutral Good Pelor is the creator of many good things, a supporter of those in need, and an adversary of all that is evil.

Radiant servant of pelor build